Recurring tasks and projects are automatically created by Marvin and scheduled to specific days based on a pattern you set.
For example, you can set up a recurring task so that every Monday a task called "Open mail" shows up in your day list. Or every day you get a task called "Morning routine" with specific subtasks in your day list.
How to add recurring tasks and projects?
You can start by opening the sidebar:
and then tap on Marvin logo or menu button at the top of the sidebar:
Once you've done that, you should see "Recurring Tasks" button in the sidebar:
Press that button and then tap on the "+" button in the top-right corner:
Editing and deleting recurring items
To edit a recurring task or project, follow the previous step until you get to the "Recurring Tasks" view. Once there, just tap on an item that you'd like to update or delete and press on the appropriate button.