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Pomodoro Sprints

Plan your pomodoros for the day

Branko avatar
Written by Branko
Updated over a week ago

Today list split in 3 pomodoro sprints

The Pomodoro method is a popular productivity strategy where you use a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro. People usually do 4 pomodoros in a row before taking a longer break, and that is usually called a sprint.

You can turn this workflow on by going to the Methodologies tab in the Workflow Library (☰ πŸ‘’ Workflow Library) and after you do that, your day will be grouped into 3 sprint sections.

Pomodoro Sprints in the Workflow Library

Using the day planning sidebar to plan your day

To plan your day, open the day planning sidebar either by clicking on the date in the Sidebar or by pressing "X" on your keyboard. From there, you can then drag tasks into your day to schedule them for today.

This works well with a Day planning method where you plan ahead of time what you'll do. It's recommended to do the planning before you start a pomodoro sprint so that you don't waste time trying to figure out what to do.

Duration estimates

It's recommended to use Duration estimates so that you can plan your sprints better. This way you'll know if you've added too many tasks to one sprint.

Pomodoro sprint

Starting a pomodoro sprint

To start a pomodoro sprint, just click on the pomodoro timer that's above your Today list.

After you start a pomodoro cycle, the timer will appear on the bottom right indicating how much time is left before the focus time ends.

Pomodoro timer

Changing the work and break time

If you wish to change the duration of work or break time, you can do that by going to ☰ πŸ‘’ Strategies πŸ‘’ Custom Squares or by clicking on the cog in the main view:

Open custom squares settings button

There you can change the work duration, break duration, and repeat cycle.

Changing the work duration, break duration, and repeat cycle
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