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Task and Project Notes

Enabling notes for tasks allows you to add some extra information to a task

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a week ago

Enabling notes for tasks gives you a collapsable/expandable note area right underneath the task title.

Task Notes strategy

How to add a note to a task

When the notes strategy is on you will see a note icon on the right of the task when hovering over it. 

Adding a note to a task

Clicking the note icon expands the task to show a note area underneath the title. Clicking the note icon again collapses/hides the note.

Note area extended

You can add as much text to the note as you like. 

Whenever a task has a note that contains text, the note icon is colored. 

You can also add a note to a task by using the "--" shortcut that you type in the title while creating a task.

Note indicator

To see if a task has a note, without hovering over it, you can activate the "Notes icon indicator" option by going to ☰ → Settings → Tasks & Projects → Notes icon indicator.

Notes icon indicator

How to format the text in a note

The text in the note can be formatted in a variety of ways. Highlight the text you want to change or use the formatting commands first and then start typing. 

For the list of shortcuts, please check the How to format text in notes article.

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